Our mineral sunscreen Reflect Outdoor Balm is a water-free nourishing balm with natural minerals that help reflect damaging ultraviolet radiation without the use of chemical sunscreens or any other synthetic ingredients. Developed in Australia where effective sun protection is critical. Our gold standard formulation is a whopping 22% microfine zinc oxide which offers protection from harmful rays while organic olive oil keeps the skin supple. Potent antioxidants including natural vitamin E, beta carotene and polygonum extract, protect the skin from premature ageing and prevent damage caused by the elements.
- Creates a physical sunblock that bounces the sun’s harmful rays off of your skin, unlike chemical sunscreens that absorb rays
- Non-nanoparticle zinc; Reflect uses micronized (physically crushed zinc minerals) that is 150 nanometers
- Non-coated minerals; Reflect’s mineral zinc is not coated with aluminium compounds, silicone compounds or titanium dioxide
What type of mineral is used in Reflect?
Zinc oxide is the mineral used in Reflect. It has over a 300-year history of safety with no known adverse reactions (which is why it is often used to treat babies). It protects against UVB and most of the UVA spectrum and is the closest thing to a total sunblock on the market today. No other sunscreen ingredient provides broader protection (1).
(1) Excerpt from:
Dr Pinnell, The J. Lamar Callaway Professor of Dermatology at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, is a consultant for SunSmart, Wainscott, NY, and SkinCeuticals, Dallas, TX. Dr Madey is the medical/scientific liaison for SkinCeuticals, Dallas TX.
Why Do We Need Natural Sun Protection?
We all know that getting sunburnt is not a good idea and that sunscreen is the way to prevent sunburn… but what are those chemicals in commercial sunscreens? The latest research has begun to discover some serious problems in the most popular and widely used chemical sunblocks:
● Octyl-methoxycinnamate – produces free radicals (singlet molecular oxygen) known to be toxic to cells (1)
● Titanium dioxide – causes DNA damage (the cells genetic material) due to superoxide radicals, active oxygen radicals and hydroxyl radicals when exposed to light. Recently ranked #4 in the American Cancer Society’s list of potential carcinogens that must be studied in humans. (2) (3) (4)
● Oxybenzone – is rapidly oxidized in the presence of light and inactivates important antioxidant systems in the skin (the skin’s natural protection system) (5)
● PABA – produces free radicals in the presence of light (1)
● Cinoxate – causes DNA damage (sister chromatid exchanges) (6)
Medical Research Papers
1) Chem Res Toxicol 1996 Apr-May; 9(3):605-9; 2) Mutat Res 2000 Mar 3; 466(1):1-7; 3) Free Radic Biol Med 1999 Aug; 27 (3-4);294-300; 4) FEBS Lett 1997 Nov 24; 418(1-2):87-90; 5) J Invest Dermatol, 1996 Mar 106(3):583-6; 6) Mutat Res 1989 Jun 21;2(2): 213-21
Why does an SPF 30 Outdoor Reflect Balm Not Exist?
The Reflect Outdoor Balm is actually tested to 29.5 SPF.
*Due to regulations in Australia for SPF ratings, Miessence /ONE Group would need to have this product manufactured in a licensed SPF facility (instead of their own organic certified manufacturing plant) to claim an SPF higher than 15. **ONE Group submitted Reflect Outdoor Balm for third-party testing from Dermatest which gave it a rating of SPF level 29.5.
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