Consumer Education.

We understand the confusion for organic consumers since manufacturers have decided to capitalize on the popularity of “natural” and “organic” products with less than a truly organic product. The deception has given organic cosmetics a bad name. But we are here to inform you that authentic, truly organic products do exist, you just need to know how to look for them.
With that in mind, Europe Organic would like to offer some consumer tips we have learned through our affiliation with Miessence and own research over the years.
Details are following in the pages of this section, but in a nutshell, when you are reading a label, follow this checklist to ensure you are buying a truly organic product.
Does the product:
– Reveal ALL ingredients on its labels and website?
– Highlight one natural or organic ingredient on their label when the product contains   other known toxins, including preservatives, stabilizers, and artificial fragrance?
– Does the company care enough about organic integrity to create a product that is pure enough to display a food grade certified organic logo (USDA organic, ACO Organic)? Organic food certification is going to take the guesswork out of label reading.